MÉXICO » Sonora

Sonora Leads Economic Growth Among Mexican Border States

Sonora has emerged as a leader among Mexico’s border states, achieving the highest economic growth in 2023, according to the Federation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services, and Tourism in Sonora (Fecanaco). Martín Zalazar Zazueta, the president of the chamber, hailed this as a significant accomplishment for the administration of Governor Alfonso Durazo Montaño.… Read More

Boost in Sonora’s Guided Tours: A 25% Increase Fueled by New Flight Routes

The tourism sector in Sonora has experienced a significant boost, with a 25% increase in guided tour sales this year compared to last. Julio Rascón, the national and state president of the Tour Operators, attributes this growth to enhanced promotional efforts and a surge in demand from travelers from various Mexican states, including Bajío, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Aguascalientes, Yucatán, and Veracruz.… Read More

Boosting Tourism in Nogales: Leveraging Industrial and Commercial Opportunities

Hotels in Nogales are reaping the benefits of industrial and commercial tourism, with a significant portion of their business—up to 80%—stemming from this sector. Carlos Jiménez Robles, the president of the Convention and Visitors Bureau (OCV) in the city, formerly known as the Nogales Hotel and Motel Association, highlighted this trend. He emphasized that while industrial and commercial tourism dominate, about 20% of their clientele consists of travelers passing through the border or visiting family, attending sporting events, passport appointments, and other similar activities.… Read More

Whale and Whale Shark Sightings Thrill Tourists in Puerto Peñasco

In recent weeks, residents and visitors in Puerto Peñasco have been treated to a special sight: sightings of whales and whale sharks along the beaches. According to Luis César García González, the director of the Federal Maritime-Terrestrial Zone (Zofemat) in Puerto Peñasco, these sightings, while awe-inspiring, pose no threat to humans as both species are non-aggressive.… Read More

Sonora Records Historic Tourism Numbers, Boosting Economic Impact

In a promising turn of events, Sonora witnessed a surge in international visitors throughout 2023 compared to the previous year, significantly amplifying the economic vibrancy of its tourist destinations. The trend continued into January this year, with an impressive nearly 40% increase in foreign air passengers compared to the same period last year, as reported by the Convention and Visitors Bureau.… Read More

Sonora Anticipates Hotel Boom with Long Weekend “Bridge”

A resurgence in hotel occupancy is on the horizon for Sonora as the city anticipates a 40% rebound starting this weekend, thanks to the extended “long weekend” commemorating the promulgation of the 1917 Constitution. Martín Soria Rivera, president of the Convention and Visitors Bureau (OCV) of Navojoa, revealed that the current occupancy stands at 60%, but expectations are high for it to spike to 90% during the upcoming Coffee Festival. This event is set to draw merchants and artisans from various parts of the state.… Read More

Snow Boosts Sonora Tourism by 15% as Visitors Flock to Scenic Landscapes

The picturesque snowfall in Sonora has triggered a significant surge in tourist numbers, marking a 15% increase in the first ten days of 2024 compared to the same period last year, as reported by Julio Rascón, the national leader of Tour Operators. Over the past five days, four trucks and two vans have been filled with eager tourists heading to Cananea, with two additional trips scheduled for Yécora over the upcoming weekend.… Read More

Strategic Alliance between Sonora and Arizona Boosts Regional Tourism

Tourism in the Sonora region is poised for a substantial uplift as the local government strengthens ties with Arizona, marking a strategic alliance set to redefine the tourist landscape. This collaboration foresees a significant surge in the promotion and steady influx of visitors to Sonora, promising a host of new and exhilarating opportunities for travelers keen on exploring the beauty of this Mexican region.… Read More

Sonora Shines as a Hub for Sports, Tourism, and Cultural Extravaganzas

In the realm of national and international events, Sonora has emerged as a prime destination, earning accolades from Governor Alfonso Durazo. The state has become a recurrent host for events spanning sports, tourism, culture, and livestock, creating a significant economic impact in the regions where they unfold. Governor Durazo expressed these sentiments during the Saddlery Fair and the U-18 Softball World Cup celebrations.… Read More

Government of Sonora Promotes Tourism in Binational 4FrontED Mega Region

The Government of Sonora, Mexico, has actively participated in the Binational 4FrontED Mega Region event held in Yuma, Arizona. This initiative represents a collaborative effort by local leaders from the southwest of the United States and the border communities of northwest Mexico, focusing on economic development, infrastructure, tourism, and education. The driving forces behind 4FrontED are innovation, collaboration, education, industry, and ethical values.… Read More

Second Edition of Hermosillo Hot Air Balloon Festival Promises Bigger and Brighter Experience

The picturesque sky of Hermosillo is set to burst into a riot of colors with the eagerly awaited second edition of the International Balloon Festival, scheduled to kick off this Friday, October 20. This family-friendly extravaganza is not just about mesmerizing visuals but is also expected to leave a significant economic footprint, estimated at around 12 million pesos, according to Mayor Antonio Astiazarán Gutiérrez.… Read More

In autumn, tourists prefer the Sierra and Magical Towns of Sonora

As the days grow shorter and temperatures begin to cool, tourists in search of vibrant autumn experiences are steering away from the traditional beach getaways and flocking to the captivating Sierra de Sonora and its enchanting Magical Towns. According to the Association of Tour Operators, Guides, and Tourist Hosts, there’s a burgeoning preference for these unique destinations this fall season.… Read More

The composer Arturo Márquez is immortalized in Álamos with a bust and plaque in his honor

In a heartfelt tribute, the town of Álamos, Sonora, has immortalized the renowned composer and conductor, Jesús Arturo Márquez Navarro, through the unveiling of a bronze bust in his honor. This event unfolded during the seventh edition of the ‘Álamos Pueblo Mágico’ Cultural Festival, which aims to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the region. The Municipal Government of Álamos, in collaboration with the Secretary of Tourism in Sonora, orchestrated this poignant ceremony to pay homage to a local luminary.… Read More

Tourism in Sonora rose after the naming of Magical Towns

Tourism in the Mexican state of Sonora has experienced a significant boost following the designation of Ures and San Carlos as new Magical Towns. Since the start of the summer holidays, these two destinations have witnessed a remarkable increase in tourist arrivals, with a reported rise of at least 20%. Martha Arteaga, President of the Tourism Cluster, credits this surge in tourism to the allure of the new Magical Towns, attracting visitors from all across the country and beyond, eager to explore their rich culture, architecture, and gastronomy.… Read More

Sonora will have a great presence at the 2023 International Cervantino Festival

Excitement is building as Sonora, a state known for its rich cultural heritage and culinary delights, prepares to make a grand appearance at the highly anticipated 2023 Cervantino International Festival. Roberto Gradillas Pineda, the Secretary of State Tourism, proudly announced that Sonora will be well-represented through two prominent attractions: Casa Sonora and the Gastronomic Corridor.… Read More

Ministry of Tourism announces events in Sonora during July

The Secretary of Tourism in Sonora, together with local mayors, has revealed an array of captivating tourist events scheduled to take place throughout July across various municipalities. Roberto Gradillas Pineda, the esteemed head of the agency, has outlined that these highly anticipated events are expected to draw an estimated 115,000 attendees and generate an impressive economic benefit of around 36 million pesos for the region.… Read More

Sonora obtains the distinction of two Magical Towns after 11 years

Sonora has reason to celebrate as two of its towns, Ures and San Carlos, have been officially recognized as Magical Towns by the Ministry of Tourism of the Government of Mexico. This distinction, which promotes Sonora as a significant national and international tourist destination, marks the culmination of a remarkable 11-year journey. Governor Alfonso Durazo Montano expressed his satisfaction with this achievement.… Read More

The second edition of the Real Estate Summit will be held

On June 9, the highly anticipated second edition of the Real Estate Summit will take place in Phoenix, Arizona, aiming to bridge the gap between the real estate industries in Mexico and the United States and attract valuable investments. Organized by José Sierra, who previously hosted the event in San Carlos, this year’s summit has shifted to Phoenix with a specific focus on seeking real estate investments in the states of Sonora and Arizona.… Read More

Nearshoring: Relocation of companies will bring more tourism to Hermosillo

The president of the Office of Conventions and Visitors (OCV) in Hermosillo, Sonora has stated that the relocation of maquiladora companies in the city, a phenomenon known as “nearshoring,” is expected to significantly increase business tourism. Francisco Karam García believes that this relocation will lead to a minimum 10% boost in business tourism, which currently accounts for 50% of the city’s visitors.… Read More

Opening of two new air routes will boost tourism in Sonora

The Mexican state of Sonora is set to boost its tourism sector with the opening of two new air routes. The Hermosillo-Mexico City route will be operated by Viva Aerobus, and the Hermosillo-Cancun route by Volaris. Sonora’s governor, Alfonso Durazo Montaño, said the routes will provide new travel alternatives to the state’s residents and position Sonora as an “extraordinary destination” for national and international visitors. The flights are expected to start on July 2 and 13, respectively.… Read More

Sonora awaits the arrival of one million 600 thousand tourists in Holy Week

The Governor of Sonora, Alfonso Durazo Montaño, has announced that over one million 600 thousand tourists from various parts of Mexico, as well as the United States, are expected to visit Sonora during the Holy Week. The three levels of government, federal, state and municipal, have come together to ensure the safety of these visitors with 8,600 personnel being made available.… Read More

People enjoy the day off on March 20 in Bahía de Kino; 7 thousand tourists prefer it to Easter

Around 7,000 tourists visited Bahia de Kino on March 20 to take advantage of the March 21 bridge, according to local merchants. Most of the visitors were from the United States, Agua Prieta, Ciudad Juárez, and North Ensenada. Despite the cold front that hit the region, tourists like Carlos Duaiza Amaya and his family still enjoyed the beach. Carlos said that they preferred to go to the beach during the March 21 bridge rather than wait for Easter, as it would be more comfortable and there would be fewer drunkards.… Read More

Sonora Rally will be from April 22 to 28

The Sonora Rally, an off-road race involving all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles, will take place in Mexico for the first time from April 22 to 28. The event, which has been running for nine years, is intended to promote the state of Sonora worldwide. The race is one of five stages that span several countries, including Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, and Morocco.… Read More

Hermosillo wins Guinness record for largest grilled meat in the world

Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora, has broken the Guinness record for the largest roast meat in the world, previously held by Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, in Quebec, Canada. More than 2,000 grillers participated in the event, using five tons of meat and 1,200 grills to cook it. The previous record had been achieved by 914 people, so Hermosillo more than doubled the figure.… Read More

Villa de Seris is recognized as a Magical Neighborhood in Hermosillo

Villa de Seris, a neighbourhood in Hermosillo, Sonora, has been recognised as a “Magical Neighbourhood” by the Federal Tourism Secretariat for its traditional coyota dessert, architectural conservation, and cultural traditions. This is the first neighbourhood in Sonora to receive this title. To achieve this, local authorities met a series of requirements and underwent a procedure, which was attributed to the community and residents of Villa de Seris.… Read More

Growing interest of Europeans for destinations in Sonora

European tourists are showing a growing interest in visiting the Mexican state of Sonora, according to Julio César Rascón Torres, the president of the Sonoran Association of Tour Operators. The association’s participation in the International Tourism Fair held in Madrid, Spain in January led to agreements with tour operators from Europe that are now bearing fruit. Some visitors have already arrived from Estonia and Spain, with more expected to arrive for Easter and before the start of summer.… Read More

Culture and tourism are promoted with the “Ruta del Bacanora”

The “Bacanora Route” is a tourism initiative that aims to promote the traditional Sonoran drink, bacanora, and the region’s culture, as well as to support its producers. The route involves visiting 12 municipalities to learn about the production process of the drink, among other recreational activities, with nine different products on offer. In all tours, the visit includes the factory and the plantation, where tourists can learn about the history and production process of the drink. The economic benefits of the route, generating income from meals, handicrafts, and regional products, stay in the visited municipalities, generating an economic spill of 5,000 to 15,000 pesos per tour. The tours are managed under a small group scheme to provide appropriate care to the visitors.… Read More

Project for a new artificial reef in the waters of San Carlos

The sinking of the ship ‘Suchiate’ in San Carlos Bay, Sonora, will create a new artificial reef, boosting tourism in the area. The project is being organised by a committee convened by the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Sonora and the Secretary of the Navy of Mexico. The ship will be donated by the Navy and, as with the sinking of the Ex Santos in March 2022, aims to attract diving tourism to the state of Sonora.… Read More

“Desierto de Sonora Beer Fest” in Hermosillo this February 11

The Sonora Desert Beer Festival 2023 has been officially announced and it promises to be a fantastic event. The festival will take place in Hermosillo, Mexico, and will bring together some of the best beer brands and local breweries. Beer enthusiasts can expect a wide variety of beer tastings, including craft beers and Mexican beers, as well as food stalls and live music. … Read More