México » States » Nayarit » Tepic Surroundings

Tourism in the Surroundings of TEPIC

Considered a colonial monument in itself, the city of Tepic is surrounded by majestic mountains that have witnessed many historical events in the country. Cradle of illustrious men such as the writer Amado Nervo and the boy hero Juan Francisco Escutia, it is also known as Tepic de Nervo in honor of the poet. There are many meanings that are attributed to the name of this city, such as “Tierra del Maíz”, “Place of massive stones” or “Very populated site”.

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Map of the Surroundings of TEPIC

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Amatlán de Cañas

In this town it seems that time has stopped, and life is lived more gently. Amatlán is nestled in a valley surrounded by mountains and steep rocky canyons with unique natural features and landscapes. You can visit: the Temple of Jesús Nazareno and the Temple of San Juan Bautista. Although, the hot springs spas are the main attractions in the area. El Manto is a hot spring spa with natural pools and three beautiful waterfalls.

Ixtlán del Río
Ixtlán del Río
Ixtlán del Río

It has all the amenities of a city, and the traditions and customs of a small town. The best way to enjoy Ixtlán del Río is to simply wander around and see in detail every corner and ancient buildings as the Temple of San Juan Apostol and the Regional Anthropology Museums, one of them located in the City Hall. During your visit you can enjoy a traditional ice cream or the typical sweets in the main plaza.

You can also vith Los Toriles archaelogical site, located only 9 kilometers (4 miles) from the town. This important site, is one of the leading exponents of architecture during the Postclassic period. It has 93 structures, but the the highlight of this complex is the circular pyramid known as a Quetzalcoatl or Ehécatl temple. It has all the amenities of a city, and the traditions and customs of a small town.


The historic center is a quiet area famous for warm and friendly atmosphere. You can visit the churches of San Francisco de Asis and the Inmaculada Concepcion, the City Hall and the Culture House. The region has a good climate and several swimming spas like: Acatique, Las Tinajas and La Cueva del Jaguar, among others.


It is located 36 km (22 miles) from Tepic. You can visit the Main PlazaTemple of Señor de la Misericordia built in the 16th century, one of the oldest in Nayarit; and the Museum of History and Anthropology which exhibits interesting pieces found in the archaeological sites of the region and the history of colonial and independence periods.

Jala is located at the foot of the giant volcano Ceboruco, from which you can enjoy a splendid view of all nearby villages. Also, you can walk to the main crater and enjoy the incredible scenery surrounded by solidified volcanic rock that resembles a lunar landscape. In the heart of the village stands the “Basílica Lateranense de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” with a mixture of Roman and Gothic styles and beautiful stained-glass windows.
In the main plaza you can enjoy a tejuino, (a cold beverage made from fermented corn and sugar) and freshly baked “gordita” (a flat bread made from corn flour and stuffed with cheese, meat or other fillings). In this town there is the ancient tradition of the “healers”, harmonizing imbalances whether emotional, spiritual or physical, so if you want to learn more about this tradition, Jala is an excellent choice.

It is part of the metropolitan area of Tepic. You can visit the Miguel Hidalgo Plaza, the Community Museum, and the springs of the area.

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Sierra del NAYAR

Several indigenous groups like the Coras, Huicholes, Tepehuanos and Mexicaneros settled in this area, and have preserved their ancestral customs and traditions. Many communities are engaged in making beautiful handicrafts. The area has tourist services provided through indigenous communities.


It is the gateway to the Sierra del Nayar. It is known as the “Athens of Nayarit”, for its cultural tradition, but it is also called the “City of Gardenias”, since it is full of colourful flowers because a privileged location near a river of the same name. It has an an attractive museum dedicated to the great indegenous artist Vladimir Cora, and the Ali Chumacero House of Culture, a 19th century mansion that houses an exhibit of archaeological pieces, paintings and sculptures. You can also visit the Temple of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción built in the 16th century with a Plateresque style, the City Hall, a building from the early 20th century and the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Guadalupe. You can also have a stroll along the city aboard the Train 038.


It has a large area of marshes and you can take time to explore the area. Visitors will notice Pimientillo with the nice Agua Brava Lagoon that provides habitat to a wide variety of birds. Do not miss the opportunity to taste a typical dish made with freshly caught shrimp.


You can visit the Temple of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe and the old Railway Station dating from the early 20th century. During the rainy season you can have fun in the natural water parks such as El Salto, The Malpaso, The Tenamache and The Pozolillo. You can also visit old mining towns like Real Mineral del Zopilote.


Nestled along the banks of the San Pedro Rivier is a nice boardwalk where you can enjoy the landscape. You can visit the San Miguel Arcangel Parish and the Community Museum. The local cuisine is based on fish and seafood. Four kilometers from the municipal seat is the archeological zone of Coamiles rich with petroglyphs and with several structures made out of stucco. There is also an Archeological Museum with an interesting collection of pieces found in the region. For those who enjoy nature is the Palapar Ecological Reserve consisting of lagoons and an maze of mangroves home to a rich biodiversity.

La Yesca

La Yesca is characterised by an impressive mountain landscape that remind us the scenery of central Europe. The attractive town has an 18th century church. The forest surroundings provide an ideal place for ecotourism. Nearby is Huajimic, where you can buy delicious variety of fresh cheeses, unique in the entire state.

El Nayar
Santa Teresa - El Nayar
Santa Teresa – El Nayar

The main ethnic groups in the area are the Cora and the Huichol. One of the greatest cultural expression in the area takes place during the Holy Week. This tradition is considered an Intagible World Heritagy by UNESCO and merges indigenous tradition and animistic beliefs with the Christian dogma. Hundreds of wildly running men painted all over with their semi-naked bodies, fighting ritual battles with wooden swords and dancing crazily. There are some other interesting towns in the region like: Jesús María, Mesa del Nayar, Santa Teresa de Jesús, Huaynamota and Potrero de la Palmita, where you can buy traditional crafts. You can also visit the Franciscan mission of La Mesa del Nayar.

There is Wixarika Community called Ethno tourism group Kawí mana Kauthat are focused on the preservation of Wixárika Huichol culture. Here you can find typical dishes based on traditional recipes. Beside you will find community museums where you can learn about the history of this culture and a small craft market. There are guided eco-tours where you can learn about the flora and fauna of the rainforest of Zapote de Picacho. You can also have a boat ride in the Aguamilpa Dam or enjoy the nature in special camping areas.

Another Ethno tourism group called Tawexikta “Place of the Sun ̈ offers 4 ecological cabins and a restaurant with typical regional food. There are tours to admire the flora and fauna as well as a center for selling handmade Wixárika crafts.


The main ethnic groups in the area are the tepehuanes and mexicaneras. Huajicori church is the only Baroque style building in Nayarit. There are a a series of petroglyphs in the community of El Faizan commonly known as La Pila de los Monos (Monkey stack).

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Lagunas Encantadas (Enchanted Lagoons)

This region is located in the center of the state of Nayarit, and the volcanic craters have been transformed into a breathtakingly beautiful lagoons. Here you will find small boutique hotels offering good services. The lagoons are ideal for any kind of water sports, including sport fishing.

Santa María del Oro
Santa María del Oro
Santa María del Oro

An extinct volcanic crater crowned by a beautiful lagoon. Their sulphurous waters with an average temperature of 25°C (77ºF), are ideal for swimming, boating, and year round fishing. Few minutes before arriving at the lagoon, is the village of the same name where you can visit the Temple of Señor de la Ascención.

At the edge of the lagoon there are several luxury boutique hotels and restaurants offering typical dishes of the region like: fish chicharrones (deep fried meat), the “cuachala” (chicken or shredded pork in tomato broth, chilies and corn) and baked “capirotada” (toast bread with banana chips, raisins, nuts and peanuts covered with brown sugar syrup and cheese). Here you can enjoy all water sports, such as kayaking, skiing, skateboarding, etc..
The mountainous surroundings are ideal for mountain biking, trekking and bird watching.

In Real de Acuitapilco, there is a recreation center with luxury cabins among waterfalls, springs and the ruins of an old hacienda.

San Pedro Lagunillas

The lagoon in San Pedro is a great place to go fishing, here you will find a lot of tilapia and bass. You can find a number of restaurants along the lagoon where you can enjoy a wonderful fish prepare in many different ways. The area is ideal for mountain biking, camping and canoeing. In the town you can buy delicious homemade cheese on one side of the City Hall and visit the Temple of Apóstol San Pedro, the Community Museum, los Terebintos Garden, or the Main Square.

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More Tourist Attractions in NAYARIT

Riviera Nayarit

Riviera Nayarit

Just north of Puerto Vallarta Mexico and spanning over 190 miles along the Pacific coast of Nayarit, Mexico’s Riviera Nayarit extends from the northern border with Sinaloa, in the municipality of Tecuala, to the mouth of the Ameca River, on the boundary with Jalisco. This exceptional destination holds magic pictoresque towns, the Sierra de Vallejo Biosphere Reserve with coastal lagoons, mangroves and wetlands, home of crocodiles, sea turtles, and endemic birds; the Isabel Island and Marietas Islands, both National Parks; the archeological vestiges in Altavista; and allure beaches where sensational days of sun and water sports can be enjoyed. The Riviera Nayarit has family tours, services and infrastructure for all kina of events, and a growing number of all inclusive and other resorts, from value-priced to luxury, excelent spas and world-class golf clubs. The temperatura here is warm and humid, with an annual average of 77oF, and the rainy season goes from June to October. … Read More

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Ecotourism in Nayarit
Ecotourism and Adventure

Ecotourism and Adventure in Nayarit

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Magical Towns in Nayarit
Magical Towns

Magical Towns in Nayarit

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Tepic, Nayarit
Capital City


The cultural legacy can be seen in the architecture, museums and traditions. The first colonial towns were established in the valleys between the mountain ranges and the coast of Nayarit. And in many of these towns magnificent estates and impressive churches were built. The inhabitants of these cities are naturally excellent hosts, and you can enjoy of this warm, relaxing atmosphere in the old houses converted to a comfortable hotels. Tepic was founded in 1531 by Nuño de Beltrán as Santiago de Galicia de Compostela, the capital of the Kingdom of New Galicia (a territory comprised of the states of Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit, Aguascalientes, Durango, Sinaloa and San Luis Potosí).
Tepic combines its modern buildings and services with a rich historical legacy. In this city, you can delve into Nayarit’s fascinating culture thanks to its many museums, historic buildings and variety of traditions.… Read More

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Guided Tours in NAYARIT

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Flights & Hotels in NAYARIT

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Archaeological Sites

Archaeological Sites

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Ecotourism in Mexico

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Magical Towns in Mexico

Magical Towns

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Capital Cities of Mexico

Capital Cities

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Beaches in Mexico


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