MÉXICO » Mexico - Page 2

Chicago shows interest in offering Mexican destinations to its tourists

The Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico, Miguel Torruco Marqués, and the General Consul of Mexico in Chicago, Ambassador Reyna Torres Mendívil, led a delegation to Chicago, Illinois, to promote Mexican tourist destinations. Over 300 tour operators and travel agents from the state of Illinois expressed a keen interest in offering their clients trips to Mexico. Illinois is the third-largest state in terms of tourists visiting Mexico, following California and Texas.… Read More

International tourism in Mexico grows 7.9% year-on-year in March

According to a report from Mexico’s National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), international tourism in Mexico experienced significant growth in March 2023. The country welcomed 7.9% more international tourists compared to the same month in 2022, resulting in a 7% increase in foreign currency income. In total, 3.57 million foreign tourists visited Mexico during the third month of 2023, up from 3.31 million in the previous year.… Read More

Destinations in Mexico are recognized as the best in the world

The World Travel Awards 2023 has recognized destinations in Mexico as the best in the world in terms of their tourist services. Established in 1993, the World Travel Awards is known as the “Tourism Oscars,” and each year, it conducts a Grand Tour around the world to recognize excellence on each continent, culminating in a showdown between the winners of each region.… Read More

ChatGPT proposes to visit Mexico for its tourist offer

Carlos Slim Domit, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo Carso, recently spoke at the Tianguis Turístico 2023 event in Mexico and asked ChatGPT for its recommendation on whether people should visit Mexico. In response, ChatGPT suggested that Mexico is a beautiful country with a lot to offer, from vibrant cities to historic towns, mountains to beach towns, and a vibrant culture with delicious food and friendly people. Slim Domit praised the response and its positive impact on tourism.… Read More

Mexico seeks to consolidate itself as one of the main tourist destinations in the world with a renewed Tourist Tianguis

Mexico is looking to reassert itself as one of the world’s top tourist destinations through the Tianguis Turístico, a business forum that brings together buyers and exhibitors from different industries in the tourism sector. The event will showcase over 1,000 companies, including several airlines, hotel groups and telecoms firms, all of which are looking to make business appointments to boost their growth and help Mexico develop as a tourist destination.… Read More

New section “Animal Rescue in Mexico”

A new section has been added to visit-mexico.mx to promote animal welfare and support organizations dedicated to this cause. The new section titled “Animal Rescue in Mexico” can be found in the CONTACT menu on the website. The section features two prominent animal welfare organizations in Mexico – Avenue Dogs and Burrolandia, and we hope to add more organizations to this section in the future.… Read More

Mexico estimates revenue of more than 31 billion dollars for the tourism sector in 2023

Mexico’s Ministry of Tourism estimates that the country’s tourism sector will generate over $31 billion in revenue in 2023, representing an 11.3% increase from 2022 and a 26.8% increase from pre-pandemic levels in 2019. The economic recovery is expected to be fueled by the entry of 39.4 million international tourists to Mexico, 2.7% more than in 2022 and 12.6% higher than in 2019.… Read More

Tourism in Mexico registers historical record

The Ministry of Tourism (Sectur) in Mexico has announced that the country’s Foreign Direct Investment in Tourism (IEDT) reached a historical record of $3.4 billion in 2022, surpassing the $1.1 billion captured in 2019 and the record set in 2017 of $1.6 billion. The IEDT for 2022 represented 9.8% of Mexico’s National Foreign Investment, according to the Ministry of Economy’s records.… Read More

Second march in favor of the INE: Cities summoned, date and times of the mobilization

Protests are being planned in support of the National Electoral Institute (INE) in Mexico, following President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) proposed “Plan B” reforms. The second march in defence of the INE will take place on February 26, 2023, and is being organized by “United for Mexico 2024”, a group that brings together more than 60 organizations across Mexico and abroad. Over 117 civil society organizations from at least 82 cities will participate, including politicians, academics, writers, and citizens. The maximum protest is expected in Mexico City and has been named “My vote is not touched”.… Read More

No more private beaches! Government will convert natural areas into protected and public parks

The Mexican government plans to convert more than 16,000 hectares of national reserves from the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) into public and protected natural parks. The move will provide citizens access to spaces “protected from profit” and help prevent the privatization of recreational spaces, according to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The Fonatur land will become natural reserves in protected natural parks, said Obrador, with the primary purpose of protecting flora, fauna, and endangered species while enabling the population to enjoy the spaces.… Read More

Mexico increases 14% foreign currency income from international visitors

Foreign exchange income from international visitors in Mexico in 2022 was $28.016 billion, a 14% increase from 2019, according to Secretary of Tourism Miguel Torruco. During the year, 38.3 million international tourists visited Mexico, 85.1% of the number seen in 2019. Income from international tourists between January and December 2022 was $26.347 billion, up 17.9% from the same period in 2019. During the year, 21.3 million tourists arrived by air, an 8.6% increase from the 19.6 million captured in 2019.… Read More

Tourism GDP in Mexico rises 12.2% year-on-year in the third quarter of 2022

Mexico is a popular tourist destination and its tourism industry has been growing steadily. In the third quarter of 2022, Mexico’s tourism industry saw a 12.2% increase on an annual basis, according to a recent report. This is great news for Mexico’s economy, as the tourism sector is a significant contributor to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).… Read More

5 types of tourism that will be a trend in Mexico in 2023

he tourism industry is constantly changing and evolving, and it’s always interesting to see what’s going to be the next big thing. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at five types of tourism that are expected to be trending in 2023. Whether it’s sustainable tourism, wellness tourism, food tourism, adventure tourism, or cultural tourism, there’s something for everyone in the world of travel.… Read More

More than 107 million tourists flew over Mexico in 2022

Mexico had a fantastic year for tourism in 2022. Over 107 million tourists flew into the country, which is a new record for Mexico. This number of tourists visiting Mexico has had a significant impact on the local economy and has been great for local businesses. This growth in tourism is expected to continue, and Mexico is gearing up for an even busier year in 2023.… Read More

Mexico, a destination of great interest for Spanish tourism with a high level of spending

Mexico is a destination that is attracting a lot of attention from Spanish high-end tourism. According to a recent study, Mexico is considered one of the most interesting destinations for Spanish tourists, and this is due to the variety of experiences that the country has to offer. From its breathtaking natural beauty to its rich cultural heritage, Mexico has something for everyone.… Read More