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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc tincidunt in neque et egestas. Vivamus volutpat sed libero id vulputate. Pellentesque accumsan facilisis efficitur. Nam faucibus velit vitae ligula ullamcorper varius. Donec laoreet nisi sem, et tincidunt metus eleifend at. Pellentesque eu neque ante. Ut semper mattis odio, ac lobortis arcu aliquet vitae. Mauris pharetra interdum nunc congue bibendum. Nulla pellentesque id ipsum at sagittis.

Visit Mexico

Título 1

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque blandit non nibh sit amet tincidunt. Integer ac facilisis lectus. Donec arcu sapien, tempor quis cursus vitae, finibus sed quam. Mauris et commodo purus. Suspendisse tincidunt libero at purus tincidunt, et condimentum purus vulputate. Quisque non sem urna. Fusce sed imperdiet enim. Nam commodo lectus eu cursus aliquam. Praesent ac orci orci. Sed eget elit et magna tristique ornare eget in diam. Donec vel sapien efficitur, efficitur urna vel, vestibulum odio. Sed ut mi ut nibh feugiat pretium viverra sed massa. In arcu est, venenatis non dolor sit amet, imperdiet venenatis urna.

Visit Mexico

Título 2

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus ipsum sapien, fermentum at accumsan sed, vulputate eu sapien. Donec id elementum odio. Fusce eu mauris vitae tellus vulputate faucibus. Morbi dignissim finibus massa, id viverra risus varius molestie. Etiam rhoncus sem feugiat nisi placerat, eget gravida leo consectetur. Morbi aliquet mauris nec lectus tempor, eget tristique nunc suscipit. Sed neque eros, varius in placerat eget, pulvinar vitae lorem. Aenean in massa ac justo pulvinar finibus eu et lacus. In malesuada tempus velit. Integer eget pharetra dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc tristique quis lorem vel porta.

Visit Mexico

Título 3

Etiam iaculis neque ultricies congue blandit. Sed in neque massa. Morbi aliquet sapien in nunc porttitor, eget feugiat libero facilisis. Fusce sit amet elementum orci. In consectetur ligula quis ante pulvinar feugiat. Mauris vulputate nibh sit amet quam ornare maximus. Sed finibus ligula semper ipsum rhoncus, ac feugiat ex finibus. Etiam posuere lobortis mauris, tempus fermentum ligula scelerisque quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus sed pulvinar neque, eget dignissim leo. Nunc metus nibh, varius a velit nec, consequat elementum justo. Donec aliquam, nulla ac posuere malesuada, mi purus egestas elit, tincidunt faucibus odio elit non sem. Praesent ultrices sodales felis, et vestibulum urna ullamcorper at. Pellentesque vel aliquet nisl. Aliquam dolor ligula, gravida et vestibulum a, suscipit id lacus. Quisque dictum consectetur velit in semper.

Visit Mexico

Título 4

Duis a accumsan dui, id tincidunt quam. Sed sagittis metus eu libero ultrices rhoncus. Mauris id diam sem. Vestibulum vitae mauris vitae lectus vulputate interdum vel a velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur nulla turpis, rutrum ac tortor quis, vestibulum gravida libero. Duis sodales pellentesque nisi nec scelerisque. Maecenas lobortis ornare suscipit. Sed varius eu erat et volutpat. Nulla ac enim eu sem sagittis ultrices. Duis luctus eget nunc eu rhoncus. Praesent lacinia varius lectus, in gravida libero blandit eget. Aenean at semper est, eget vestibulum urna.
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Visit Mexico

More Tourist Attractions in MEXICO

Beaches in Mexico


On the Beaches of Mexico you can immerse yourself in the intense blue ocean of the Pacific bays, sunbathe on the shore of the warm and transparent waves of the Caribbean Sea in Quintana Roo or even rest on the beautiful coasts of the Gulf of Mexico. Mexican beaches hide wonderful secrets for the traveler. By visiting them, in addition to enjoying the excellent climate and water activities, you can discover splendid archaeological sites and interesting colonial cities without traveling long distances.… Read More

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Interesting Sites and Activities

Traditions in Mexico

It is practically impossible to make a meticulous, and above all, accurate selection of the places to visit in Mexico. Each place that our country houses is unique and beautiful in its own way. Mexico, with its nearly 2 million km², has a large number of scenarios to offer, as well as endless activities to do. Do not lose your way and enter the places to visit in Mexico. In Mexico, apart from the beaches and its famous archaeological sites, there are many other really interesting sites and activities that you should know. In the surroundings of the main cities you will find places full of culture and tradition, where you can spend relaxing, interesting and fun vacations. On your trip through Mexico you cannot stop obtaining souvenirs, the crafts that are made here are of the highest quality and recognized worldwide. A shopping tour cannot be missed.… Read More

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States Of Mexico

States Of Mexico

Mexico has an incredible diversity of landscapes, where the beauty of its beaches, internationally recognized, stands out. In its vast territory of coasts, there are beaches of unparalleled beauty, and colorful landscapes. A large network of first-class hotels and tourist services is available to visitors to these beaches. Mexico is also mystical places, dotted with archaeological testimonies inherited from its original inhabitants. Monuments made by the Mayas, Aztecs and Toltecs are located in magical landscapes, like lighthouses in an ocean of natural beauty. They offer visitors buildings that tell their history, and museums that collect their cultural heritage. And that keep alive ancestral traditions, in ceremonies and festivals, where you can enjoy cultural activities and entertainment.… Read More

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Archaeological Sites

Archaeological Sites

The Archaeological Zones are the cultural past of every Mexican. You will be amazed at the ambient, nature and the environment that surrounds them. Climbing to the top or being around it will take us back in time to admire every detail. México is a country of culture and traditions, many of which we have inherited from the pre-Hispanic inhabitants of this vast territory, although it is true that there were more settlements in the central and southern part of the country, it is also possible to find some archaeological remains in the north.
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Capital Cities of Mexico

Capital Cities

Folklore, gastronomy, literary culture, art and exhibitions, is what you will find in the capitals of the states of Mexico. To the north, colonial Mexico, Puebla, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, the Sonoran desert and the California peninsula. To the east Veracruz and the gulf. To the west Acapulco, Oaxaca and Tuxtla Gutiérrez. And to the south the Riviera Maya and the pyramids of Chichén-Itzá, Tulúm and Cobá in Yucatán, Palenque in Chiapas, the cenotes, and the Central American jungles.… Read More

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Magical Towns in Mexico

Magical Towns

A Magical Town is a place with symbols and legends, towns with history that in many cases have been the scene of transcendent events for our country, they are places that show the national identity in each of its corners, with a magic that emanates from its attractions ; visiting them is an opportunity to discover the charm of Mexico. The Magical Towns Program contributes to revalue a set of populations in the country that have always been in the collective imagination of the nation and that represent fresh and varied alternatives for national and foreign visitors. A town that through time and in the face of modernity, has conserved, valued and defended its historical, cultural and natural heritage; and manifests it in various expressions through its tangible and intangible heritage. A Magical Town is a town that has unique, symbolic attributes, authentic stories, transcendent events, everyday life, which means a great opportunity for tourist use, taking into account the motivations and needs of travelers.… Read More

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Gastronomy of Puebla


The Gastronomy of Mexico has a great diversity of typical dishes, which is why it was recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The basic and representative ingredients of Mexican dishes are: corn, coriander, chili, beans, piloncillo, nopal and tomato. Mexican cuisine is also characterized by its sauces, which serve as an accompaniment to traditional dishes, prepared based on spices.… Read More

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Ecotourism in Mexico

Ecotourism and Adventure

Mexico is one of the best countries for Ecotourism as it has a great variety of flora and fauna, as well as a large number of refuges for extraordinary species. You can enjoy recreational activities of appreciation and knowledge of nature through contact with it, such as: stargazing, observation of natural attractions, wildlife and bird watching. Throughout México there are more than 176 protected natural areas, 5 of them considered by UNESCO as Natural Heritage of Humanity. Just for this and much more, we believe that Mexico is a Paradise for Ecotourism.… Read More

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